Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

On this day we would like to THANK all those service men,women and their famalies for their great sacrifices to this country and her citizens.
We are the Land of the FREE because of the BRAVE. One again we say thank you and stay as safe as possible.

Gwen and her family

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Few Finishes and a Purchase

Rise and Shine by Bent Creek. This is a very old chart.I intend to hang this with Full Moon Rising and Here Comes The Sun to old designs by the same designer that us in a Just Crosstitch Magazine.

This was a freebie by The Sampler Girl. I added the sailing boat button.

This is a chart by LHN that I just love.

Gingher Scissor purchase. I love these little collectables.

This was a joy to stitch it's Love the Truth by Exampler by Exampler From the Heart.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm Back

Hello eveybody I have been gone for a while but I have been busy. First let me say Happy Mother's Day to all.

These are two pillows I made for my mother but forget to put them in the box. They will have to be shipped later.